April 6, 2016 in Downloads, Featured, Speaking

Fearless Public Speaking: A Gift to YOU!

Jeff Klubeck Speaks at REBA La Jolla

Most of you already know that I am fearless when it comes to wearing many hats. I’m a coach, business owner, professor and even author. Yes that’s right, I’m an author! I have authored several publications including my E-Book: The 5th Step to Fearless Public Speaking. Today I want to offer you a free copy of my book. I will teach you how to conquer your fear of public speaking in?3-28 Days! I just updated the page on my website that promotes this book, so figured it was the perfect opportunity to re-introduce it on my blog too.

fearless, 5th step, Get A Klu, Public Speaking, SpeakingHave you ever wished that you were fearless when it came to Public Speaking? Do you wish?you could just BE YOURSELF when speaking in public? How much further would you?be in your career or the growth of your business if you were NOT afraid of Public?Speaking?

The 5th Step is an E-book with Worksheet Templates that will replace fear with a speech preparation outline and instructions that build the Confidence to ?Be Yourself? when Speaking in Public!

Watch my video below for even more reasons on why you will find my E-Book valuable.

Now that you’ve seen the video, head over to my E-book page for the full details and easy instructions for getting my book straight to your inbox.

To share some personal inspiration, public speaking is one of the top ways for me to build trust and credibility that I know will ultimately lead to new clients. After my last public speaking engagement, nearly 10% of the audience hired me afterwards…and 100% who did both of my comp sessions ended up enrolling. ?Have YOU gotten two comp sessions from me yet? ?I digress…the point here is?that if you start speaking, you will have positive results over time too. If you decide to download my free E-book, please let me know your thoughts and thank you in advance for reading!

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