March 6, 2015 in Be Fearless, Downloads, Endorse_Promote, Featured

Be Fearless: Speaking vs. Death!

Make It Easy To Be Fearless public speaking

Perhaps you have heard (and perhaps you believe) the various?reports or studies suggesting Public Speaking is the #1 rated fear?ahead of Death! While I personally do not believe we should be afraid of Death, I DO believe we should DEFINITELY be more afraid of Death than Public Speaking! And, trust me, we are!imrs.php

?But if I am dead,? you might argue, ?no one can laugh at me or see me make mistakes?there?s essentially no pain to deal with if I am dead since I am already dead.? This is a great part of the mindset of people who claim/answer in a Census Data Survey that they would ?much rather die than give a Presentation.?

But, how do you think we respond if, instead of a clipboard with a printed survey attached and a pencil, the Census Researchers approached us with a loaded gun pointed at hour heads and THEN asked if we would rather die or give a Presentation? Exactly, ?What would you like me to speak about?how much time do I have?can I go twice?? 🙂

When we compare the ?vulnerability? of Public Speaking to the true pain/loss of dying?when we REALLY compare, there simply is no comparison! Vulnerability means we ?could? experience pain or loss?but it doesn?t mean we are guaranteed to (as we are in death). In exchange for the ?potential? pain (mistakes, disapproval, failed purpose, etc.) of Public Speaking we get the opportunity to empower our selves and others; something we obviously cannot do if we are dead.

Road-articleInlineWhile we are speaking in public to targeted audiences we can inform, influence, inspire and even motivate behavior that is taken based on our presentation. We can establish ourselves as Subject Matter Experts, advance our careers, lead our teams, shape our communities, solve social issues, build more and greater relationships and, let?s face it, make more money!MiniKlu2speaker-sm
Despite all these wonderful outcomes of Public Speaking, somehow ?fear? of giving a Presentation has become acceptable and popularly accepted to the point that we are willing to believe (however falsely) that we would rather die than Speak.

But here is where Death and Public Speaking are exactly the same: If you are PREPARED you are less likely to be afraid! When we look at differences between Death and Public Speaking it is easy to remain ?scared? of both?but seeing them as similar, we can easily understand that preparing for both will make us less afraid.

MiniKlu2speakerAt Get A Klu, we don?t teach people how to prepare for Death (not on THIS blog, anyway) but we DO teach people how to prepare to Speak without Fear?to be ?ourselves? when giving Presentations?to approach Public Speaking with the same communication style AND confidence we have in every day conversation.
02042015_Jeff_Klubeck_Make_It_Easy_To_Be_Fearless_HorizontalDownload my FREE E-book: The 5th Step to Fearless Public Speaking TODAY to get ?all you need? to begin to chip away at your fear of Public Speaking?trust me when I tell you that it?s REALLY just a fear of Preparation!

To Your Success?Be Fearless, my friends!

Jeffrey Klubeck, M.A.


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